Influencing Factors of Flotation Beneficiation Process

By: Fote MachineryJune 23rd,2020

Flotation dressing is one of the most important processes in ore dressing, which is widely used. According to statistics, there are more than 90% non-ferrous metal minerals are treated by flotation process. In addition, it is also used for processing ferrous metals, precious metals and nonmetallic minerals. Flotation is suitable for the treatment of fine grained material, and it is difficult to recover fine ore particles less than 10 μm by other dressing methods. Compared with other methods, flotation beneficiation is economical and reasonable, and the effect is very good.

Influencing Factors

1.Particle Size

It is important to study the effect of ore particle size on flotation and determine the optimum flotation particle size according to the properties of ores in order to obtain a high technological index. Different minerals have their own optimal flotation particle size range. Too coarse ( 0.1 mm) and too fine ( 0.006 mm) are not conducive to flotation and the recovery is reduced.

2. Pulp Concentration


(1) For the flotation of minerals with a large proportion, the thicker ore pulp shall be used; On the contrary, the thinner ore pulp shall be used;

(2) For the coarse material, the thicker ore pulp shall be used; On the contrary, the thinner ore pulp shall be used;

(3) Thick slurry is used for rougher flotation and scavenging, while thinner slurry is used for ore selection and separation of mixed concentrate to ensure high quality of qualified concentrate.

3.Reagent Regime

Flotation agents are the main factors regulating mineral floatability. Inadequate dosage will make mineral separation difficult. Excessive dosage will also reduce the quality of concentrate, loss of selectivity, and cause waste.

4.Flotation Time

Flotation time refers to the time required to achieve a certain recovery rate and concentrate grade of mineral separations. Generally, the recovery of useful minerals increases with the flotation time, but the grade of concentrate decreases.


(1) The floatability of ores is good, the grade of raw ores is low, the degree of monomer dissociation is high, the time of flotation can be shorter under the condition of the fast action of agents. On the contrary, the flotation time is longer.

(2) The flotation time of ore with high mud content is longer than that of ore with low mud content.

5.The Quality of The Water

The water used for flotation should not contain large amounts of suspended particulates or soluble substances that can react with ores or flotation agents.

6、The Temperature of Pulp

As the temperature rises, the rate of chemical reaction will also increase, and the effect will be better .

7、Inflating and Stirring

(1) Inflating volume depends on the type of flotation machine and the requirements of flotation process.

The bubble is smaller, the dispersion is better, which is beneficial to flotation. But the bubble is too small and the rising speed is too slow, which is not good for flotation. Adding excessive foaming agent will reduce the air intake of the flotation machine. The dosage of foaming agent should be adjusted on the basis of adjusting the inflating volume.

(3) The collision probability will increase between ore particles and bubbles with Increasing slurry mixing. But too strong inflation and agitation is adverse, it not only destroyed the stability of the foam layer, resulting in the merger of bubbles, a large number of mineral mud into the foam and lead to the quality of concentrate decline.

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